Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Make The Seasidesarong On Webkinz

18 / December 19, 2010


The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite all football fans from the table and not a "sporting event" ever in this discipline at the prestigious Europe's largest casino, the Casino Hotel Perla Nova Gorica (Slovenia), to attend a sporting event unique and impressive, with distinguished guests from the Slovenian and Italian football. A unique opportunity to tell you too, I was there!

For those coming to visit Saturday, and does not have the Prestige Club Card, will receive a voucher for free admission to the disco Casino Perla, to be collected from the Pinta technical table in the room.
Saturday evening, at the end of the first day of the tournament, we are all in for an evening disco rocking ... up to 5!

December 18, 2010 10:00 am Opening room
10.30 Presentation of the event and greet the authorities
11.00 Home team competition
14.00 Meeting friendly teams National AUSTRIA - ITALY
18.30 Final team competition
_Domenica December 19, 2010
09.00 Opening room
09.45 Presentation of the event and greet the authorities
10.00 am Start 12.00 am
individual competition Italian Super Cup Final at 17.00 FISCT
final individual competition to follow the awards

● Organising Committee
ADS DLF Group Table Football Gorizia - Cultural Group Mediaart - Sports Table Football Association Cormòns
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia - LIBERTAS Sports Promotion Board - CONI Comitato Regionale FVG
Cormòns Winery - Garden Center Musina Marco - and Zorgniotti More - Fineware Srl
● Main Sponsor
HIT Casino Perla
● With the contribution
Espego - Exstreme Works - Flavours of the Empire - Caramel SpA - DAF Vending Friuli - The Cellars - Jewellers Hora - Hotel Alla Pergola Restaurant - Conad Cormòns - Optik Center

For more information on the event: www.hitcup.blogspot.com

HIT Cup 2010 - December 7 press conference>>>

HIT CUP 2010 - Streaming>>>



Thursday, November 25, 2010

French Brazilian Vs. Brazilian Wax

2010 Festival of the Book and Information - "The Unbearable Lightness"
From 2 to 14 December 2010 ● Cormòns (GO) Italy Room Viale Friuli
28 Hours: weekdays 16.30/20.00 ● Saturday, Sunday, December 8 10.30/12.30 - 15.00/20.00

● THURSDAY 'Dec. 2 17.30
Cormònslibri 2010
_presentazione Inauguration of photo exhibition of Indian Night Arnaldo Grundner a trip with care and respect in the infinite monochromatic India
_installations read by Art by Antonella Pizzolongo
_presentazione de The artist's book by Loretta Cappanera with the participation of actor Andrew Zuccolo
_presentazione Il Viaggio in India presents the writer Erica Barbiani Nicola Gasbarro lecturer at the University of Udine
● FRIDAY ' December 3
19.00 Meeting with the poets Fabio Franzini, Franco Loi, Maurizio Mattiuzzo, David Rondoni, presents poet and essayist Joseph Mariuz
● Saturday, December 4
_ORE 17:00 Myths (ever) forgotten
final event of the laboratory expressive reading and storytelling, "Tell me a story" presents Luca Zalateu actor
_ORE 18:30 between heaven and earth: a meeting with Don Andrea Gallo talks to Don Pierluigi Di Piazza
● Sunday, December 5 19.00
The meaning of life: meeting with Marcello Veneziani, Roberto has Covaz Il Piccolo
● MONDAY 'December 6 18.30
Politics and the Judiciary: meeting with Luigi De Magistris, presents Gianpaolo Carbonetto "Il Messaggero Veneto"
Other habits: Roundtable with
Vittorio Cogliati Dezza national president of Legambiente
Roberto Burdese national president of Slow Food
Roberto Northwest Consumers Coop Sgavetta Vice Moderator
Francesco Marangon lecturer at the University of Udine
● WEDNESDAY 'December 8
_ORE 11:30 The Church of St. George and his story meeting with Sergio Tavano and Hans Kitzmüller
_ORE 18:00 journey through words, pictures and videos: meeting with David Riondino prologue and Maurizio Benedetti Andrea Casaccia, publisher and singer presents Alessandra Kersevan
● THURSDAY 'Dec. 9 18.30
When globalization does not rhyme with the Constitution, meeting with Fausto Bertinotti, Matthew Femia presents corresponding "Il Piccolo"
● FRIDAY 'Dec. 10 18.30
Italy do not see on TV: Meeting with Rich Iacona, Mario has Brandolin operator and theater critic
● Saturday, December 11 19.00
The atheist and the theologian: Meeting with Paolo Flores D'Arcais, Andrea de Bellavite presents "Soca Soca" and other titles, and director of Rainbow Community
● Sunday, December 12 18.30 Teatro Comunale di Cagliari Rivarrun
Theatre presents "The Story of a seagull and the cat and taught to fly", from the 'eponymous text by Luis Sepulveda of the Public Library of Cormòns
● MONDAY' December 13 18:00 PM Asbestos Asbestos FVG

reportage will be present: Robert Del Grande (representative of Metarte), Enrico Bullian (town) and Alessandro Ruzier (Photographer)
● MONDAY 'December 13 19.00
The partisan "Welcome" meeting with Roberto Covaz Silvino and Poletto, Robert Covaz, deputy managing editor and head of the "Little" of the newsrooms of Gorizia and Monfalcone
● Tuesday 'December 14
_ORE 18:00 Sounds of the soul. Metamorphosis of the chrysalis and other Renzo Furlano
_ORE 18:30 The word for the word
A show where the word gets around: communication, knowledge sharing, emotion. The word has meaning and sound, as sound produces the song, the word creates rhythm and music, therefore, produces the movement such as music and dance.
Music: Simone Kodermaz (violin), Graziano Kodermaz (sax), Franco Feruglio (bass), Andrea Casaccia (guitar)
Dance: Marianna Martinelli, Agnes Spinelli, Julia Strizzolo, Barbara Tesini, John Gava Leonarduzzi
Reading stage: Alessandro Pesaola Pierluigi Pintar, Serena Finatti, Fabiano Fantini
Poetry: Marina Moretti
Song: Cristina Mauro
Lyrics: Italo Calvino, Alessandro Baricco, Giovanni Pascoli, Aldo Pallazzeschi
Voiceover: Renzo Furlano
Choreography: Cynthia Gangi, Barbara Tesini John Gava Leonarduzzi
Directed by: Renzo Furlano

● From 26 November to 19 December
Cormòns Moot Hall (GO) Piazza XXIV May 22
Painting exhibition "Britain: The Stone Flower" by Dario Scotti
Hours: Friday and Saturday: 17.00/19.00 ● Sunday: 10.00/12.00 - 17.00/19.00
● FROM 3 TO FROM 17 TO 12 & 19 December
Museum of terrritorio Cormòns (GO) Piazza XXIV May 22
" an art all to read "50th Regional Exhibition of Art - Visual Arts Center Friulano
Opening Friday, December 3 17:30
Hours: Sunday ● lun_sab 16.00/19.00 10.30/12.30 - 16.00/19.00
SpazioTiLt Cormòns (GO) Via G. Matteotti 74
Opening Saturday, December 4th 17:00
exhibition of books DI_VERSI 15 poets and artists have art books and books covered by Silvia Lepore and Sandro Pellarin
Cormònslibri for Boys
● Saturday, December 4th 15:00 ORE
Projection the cartoon "The story of Leo" - snacks for all
● Sunday, December 5 17.30
Toys Musical concert of music and fun for kids with the Mikrokosmos, with Daniela Brussolo (flute), Piero Riccobello (clarinet), Nicola Mansour (violin), Fabio Serafini (bass)
● MONDAY 'December 6 17.00
Sports and falling in love: Meeting with the writer Luke Cognolato children, with the presence of John Gratton to vent' year basketball player in Serie A
● TUESDAY '7 December 21.00
Farm BorgoSanDaniele Cormòns (GO) Via San Daniele 38
Art and Poetry - The time you turn around. Meeting with the writer Božidar Stanišić. Talking with the author Emilio Rigatti. Sandra and Martha Vineyard Charter guests. When writing becomes a witness of a life. Bozidar Stanisic, in its path between poetry, story and theater, tells of a journey of many journeys. To survive, to affirm its existence, to build the comparison.
● WEDNESDAY 'Dec. 8 11.00
Projection of the cartoon "The story of Leo" - snacks for all
● Thursday' on Dec. 9 10.00
Laboratories in primary schools by Bruno Tognolini, author of the RAI broadcasting The tree and Blue Melevisione


Organization Culturaglobale www.culturaglobale.it
Artistic Director Renzo
339 2650471 Partner stationer Vecchiet
Scenography Antonella Pizzolongo
Graphics Sara Pahor
Press CO-ART Sabrina Vidon 349 3153191 ● sabrinavidon@yahoo.it

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Old Ladies Wearing Stocking

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cormòns (GO) - Our Lady of the Mount Church Quarin Relief

11:00 am CONFERENCE "Cormòns and the border, clashes and encounters": Prof Ferruccio Tassin Deputation of National History for Friuli
CHESTNUT 12.00 am at the end of the conference, chestnuts and ribolla, sauerkraut with brovada, sausage and wine to all'imbrinire
at 15.00 MUSIC concert of the choir of St. Adalbert. Next, show the children of the Musical Cultural Cormòns

In case of bad weather the festival will be held in the parish Ricreatorio Via Pozzetto


What Is Butal/acetam/caffe

Saturday, November 20, 2010
's Northwest Consumers Coop Association Leisure invites you to:
"We know the territory" VALLEY OF SAN Dorligo

13:30 by Via Udine Pradamano front Coop stores
13:50 from Palmanova Brico parking (in front of Conforama)
14:05 from Gradisca Ipercoop parking (in front of the bar)
14:20 from Gorizia Fair parking
14:50 Monfalcone Piazza Salvo D'Acquisto (ex Gaslini)
15:30 Arrival in Trieste, visit the Citadel Museum of San Giovanni and San dell'Antardine
18:00 Dorligo visit Frantoio Parovel
19:00 tasting oils
19:15 Serving plates / wine
21:45 Departure for return

_Quota participation package € 45.00
_Iscrizioni until exhaustion places c / o ATL ATM outlets in Northwest Consumers Coop

Information: 335 7835183 daily from 15.00 to 17.00

Cheap Place To Get A Manicure In Jax

TUESDAY 'November 23 at 18:45
Gorizia_Sala Recommend Provincia_Corso of Italy 55
meeting to present the project
of psychotropic-Campaign Social Watch

MARCO Bertalia with psychiatrist contact the project

This campaign aims to spread a culture that promotes 'evolution from mental suffering to healing, health and the well-being, using primarily resources and personal and collective psychic talents. It therefore brings to the critical position towards the enlargement of the psychiatric drug market and then the creation of a psychotropic drug-dependent mass.
We will do everything we can to spread some truth is little known about the drugs, aimed at promoting awareness of health as a fundamental right is not bound to powerful industrial, institutional and professional.
is a project whose purpose is to denounce the current trade in medicines and often to the detriment of the individual reflection of society. It is committed to improve and set a shared and common cultural reaction to this risk of 'pollution' and "poisoning" the minds and brains. BRAIN
SOS is firstly to create a "network culture" that predisposes the population to approach the possible situations of psychic suffering, focusing more on inner resources and relational supports, rather than the mere use of chemical drugs, confusingly called psychotropic drugs. The social campaign, however, does not want merely to spread a conscious and critical attitude of psychiatric drug-surveillance, it also has the important objective is to stimulate the creation of an "operational network" on local and national level.
Giving Soul to this project means to restore meaning and dignity to the individual and collective psychic pain caused by the crisis of values \u200b\u200bof our society: it is a true work of re-animation community "to which everyone can write with conviction and determination of its membership and its willingness to disseminate and promote the campaign.


Culurale Mediaart Organized by the Group under the auspices of the Province of Gorizia

Effects Of Butal-apap-325-caff Tab Mik

Here, we break the dormancy. From December 20 to January 10 we will be in China (not just around the corner). After Jennifer Gentle Afterhours and throw us into the maw of the "Asian tiger" in a decidedly more DIY (which is better suited to our nature). The length of the path we nailed the diversity of the location attracts us, the desire to leave surrounds us. In the country of one billion and a half of stories we're going to add one, hoping to meet as many as humanly possible, to really know, beyond the places common, beyond the taste Expo West, beyond the endless chain of production, beyond capitalism or communism communist capitalist.
will come back with tons of photos, so many things happening that we do not endure any more and the new album almost ready, so many doubts, few certainties. You can not have everything in life.

Here we are, we break the dormancy. From Dece mber 20th to January 10th we'll be in China (Not Exactly around the corner). After Jennifer Gentle Afterhours and we are going to jump into the "Asian tiger's" mouth in a very DIY style (Which fits better to Our Nature). The length of path is freezing us up, the diversity of the place attracts us, the will to leave pervades us. In the one-billion-and-a-half stories country we're going to add one, expecting to cross as many as humanly possible, to know them for real, beyond the clichè, beyond the Western-ish Expo, beyond the endless production lines, beyond capitalistic communism or communist capitalism. We'll be back with tons of pics, so many things to tell you are gonna bear us no more and the new album almost ready, so many doubts, few certainties. You cannot have everything in life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Letters To Invite To Travel To My Brother


Want to become a volunteer in a shelter and I'd like to be trained by experts in order to actively help the dogs?
Subscribe to training course for volunteers and prospective volunteers organized by The Kennel Association of Monfalcone Animal friends (funded by regional grants awarded pursuant to art. 8 LR 12/95)!
What is the course: To provide a basis
cultural behavior, emotions and relationships of dogs to increase the welfare of themselves during their stay at the shelter, recovery and reintegration in a family fit.
Some topics covered:
analysis of postures and behaviors - body language - observation and intervention phases of socialization - conflict management - management of the leash - Stress and learning - a walk - Games - recall - regulations - basic knowledge Veterinary
- Theoretical part from 20.00 to 22.30
WEDNESDAY '10.11.2010 - 24.11.2010 - 01.12.2010
15.12.2010 - Part practice from 14.00 to 17.00
Sunday, 14.11.2010 - 28.11.2010 - 12.05.2010 - 19.12.2010

The theoretical part will take place at the exhibition hall of the City of Staranzano
The practical part will take place at training camp in Gorizia Kennel Association
Participants will receive a certificate of participation
To join the course or for more information: tel.338.3515362 (after 13.00) - e-mail: info@lacucciamonfalcone.it (write name, name and telephone number)

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Caravel Label The Parts

Country Psychiatric Social Watch-

This campaign aims to spread a culture that promotes the development of mental suffering to healing, health and well-being, using primarily resources and personal and collective psychic talents. It therefore brings to the critical position towards the enlargement of the psychiatric drug market and then the creation of a psychotropic drug-dependent mass. In contrast when
hopes to reconnect with their soul to find the wisdom of your body, the self-healing power of his brain, energy Love your Heart. And all this for themselves, for others, the world ...
SOS is a project whose purpose is to denounce the current trade in medicines and often to the detriment of the individual reflection of society. It is committed to improve and set a shared and common cultural reaction to this risk of "pollution" and "poisoning" the minds and brains.
do everything we can to spread some little known truth about drugs, promoting an awareness of time as a fundamental right to health is not tied to powerful industrial, institutional and professional. In pursuing this mission, SOS Brain, does not want to denigrate any medication, but resize it, and suggest alternative solutions supported by a network of professionals. For this reason, organizes conferences, seminars and meetings in order to offer people an alternative perspective to think about and investigate a topic of particular interest as one of their own health. Never, in any way you want to convince you to accept the proposed SOS Brain.
SOS SOS BRAIN BRAIN is firstly to create a "network culture" that predisposes the population to get close to any cases of mental suffering, focusing more on inner resources and support on relationships, rather that the mere use of chemical drugs, confusingly called psychotropic drugs. The social campaign, however, does not want merely to spread a conscious and critical attitude of psychiatric drug-surveillance, it also has the important objective is to stimulate the creation of an "operational network" on local and national level. In this "network" may join both professional staff and users, with the aim to define common opportunities and equipment care and truly emancipatory and developmental aid, thus freeing themselves from the culture farmacofilica and addiction.
Giving Soul to this project means to restore meaning and dignity to the individual and collective psychic pain caused by the crisis of values of our society: it is a true work of re-animation community "in which every person can make with conviction and determination of its membership and its willingness to disseminate and promote the campaign.

wish to subscribe to SOS NETWORK BRAIN>>>

like more information on SOS NETWORK BRAIN>>>


(every second Thursday of the month, from 18.45 to 20.15 c / o Banca Etica Via Donizetti Information Point 5 / A)
2010 November 11 to December 9
2011: January 13 to February 10 - March 10 to April 14 - May 12-June 9

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Does That R On The Pokemon Cards Mean

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 17.00 - Council Chamber Province of Gorizia

One Space dedicated to those who are vegetarian or not, should have information, explanations and clarifications on the vegetarian philosophy, an ethical and supportive to the health, well-being and peace.
There will also be an opportunity to share experiences and routes together and create more moments of cultural promotion. In addition, for those who wish, at the end of every meeting there will be a short-sharing basis meditation to refine the intent, individual and group, and to improve the dissemination of such thinking, even at the level of consciousness and energy. Marco Bertali
conducts the meeting, medical director of the area of \u200b\u200bVAT (Italian Vegetarian Association www.vegetariani.it ), and socio LAV (Lega Anti-Vivisection www.infolav.org )


(every fourth Tuesday of each month from 17.00 to 18.30)
23 November 2011: January 25 to February 22 - March 22-April 26 - May 24

For information: 333 4857158


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fridge Thermostat How Work

::: Health tips:::
PROPERTIES 'OF SAFFRON against stress, anxiety, depression and premenstrual syndrome
The Saffron, the spice queen of the golden rice, has many beneficial properties for health and wellness: saffron is indeed useful to appease the 'anxiety about all of carotenoids (confirmation science). Today, in fact, carotenoids are also formulated in tablets. In India, where saffron is widely used Ayurvedic medicine considers it an essentially midway between food and medicine; also color therapy uses saffron in situations of physical and psychological stress: the yellow color of saffron has always been synonymous with wealth and good humor. The main properties of saffron and stress: less stress, more good humor. Saffron is proving to be so good for many ailments related to modern lifestyle such as anxiety, stress, depression. All properties are concentrated in the stigmas of the saffron-colored red, those that are used in powder in the kitchen. These filaments around the corolla contain about 150 substances, of which 4 are particularly active: crocetin, crocin, and picrocrocina safranal (all belonging to the family of carotenoids).

against depression (mild or moderate depression)
The active ingredients typical of saffron have positive effects on some brain neurotransmitters responsible for mood, like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. This action has been tested in the laboratory and in clinical settings: people suffering from mild or moderate depression have improved their symptoms quickly and with relatively low doses of saffron (in the order of milligrams). The extract of saffron has been so effective against some mild depression without the adverse effects of medicines.
_The PROPERTY ' AGAINST THE SAFFRON PMS (sbalsi nervous tension and mood)
Saffron is also a remedy in respect of PMS where the experiments have already yielded very encouraging results against sbalsi 's mood and nervous tension (typical symptoms of the syndrome PMS).
Other benefits of saffron about memory and learning, because the active ingredients of saffron support the physiological processes that allow you to recall events, also acting in general health of the brain and nervous system owing to the large antioxidant properties of carotenoids (capable of wiping out nearly as much as 20% of toxic waste that we produce every day).
_LO SAFFRON KITCHEN (not just rice)
How to take advantage of the properties of zafefrano? The main use is in the kitchen where the saffron gives flavor and taste to the dishes, not only the classic risotto, but also pasta, cakes, meat and yogurt. But since it is difficult to offer daily specials made with saffron, nothing prohibits the use of saffron tea: its carotenoids are among the few water-soluble and easily extracted by boiling.
Put a pinch of saffron powder in a cup of water, bring to a boil and let stand for ten minutes. If you add a teaspoon of honey, you have a great digestive and anti-stress tea to drink in the evening to sleep.
If you want to enjoy antidepressione and antianxiety properties of saffron (great use for people suffering with PMS mood swings), saffron can be taken as a supplement, where the amount of active ingredients are standardized.
Recommended: SAFRALYIN zaffefrano to supplement is a mix of all-natural active ingredients extracted from saffron (Crocus sativus, tuber native to Asia Minor), useful to combat stress, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and mood swings. It contains a special extract of stigmas zafefrano enhanced by the presence of vitamin B9 (folic acid), a substance that may be deficient when the mood "you black." If I take two tablets a day with a little water.
Safralyin is located in a pharmacy or herbal products (cost € 16; pack of 30 tablets).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pokemon Trading Emulator Mac

13 to 16 October 2010
Galleria Mall Ipercoop Montedoro - Muggia (TS)

four days to know Coop and many councils to act responsibly Environmental and community
But what does change style?
Change style is an idea for a different way of life, conteporaneamente a way to take care of themselves and the world and live better.
It 's a proposal to change our way of thinking and behaving.
's a way to realize what is happening to our planet, more and more polluted and overheated and choose to do something good for the environment.
All we can change the world with our way of life, with our choices, we can change many things, large and small: if we live in a healthy way we create a healthy environment around us, if we live polluting and wasting, we create an increasingly dirty and poor.
Each of our small gesture to change the world around us and the global world in which we live.
We have a great power, we want to decide how to use it?
Certainly the single act of one person affect little, but the inhabitants of the earth are billions and billions of many small actions that are causing the planet to collapse and many billions of different choices that can change things radically.

WEDNESDAY 'October 13 17.00
Reflection with words and images on "Waste and Mobility with
Manuela Daniel assistant social policies Northwest Consumers Coop
Lino Santoro President Legambiente Trieste
Andrea Wehrenfennig responsible mobility Legambiente FVG
Daribor Zupan Director Legambiente
_partecipano the towns of Trieste Muggia, San Dorligo della Valle - Dolina
_inaugurazione the exhibition "Rifiutiamoci" ITIS "A . Time "of Trieste
_al term aperitif ... Viviverde

THURSDAY 'October 14 17.00
teach a consumer awareness
words and images for thirty years of consumer education awareness with
Manuela Daniel assistant social policies Northwest Consumers Coop
Luisa Michieli Northwest Consumers Coop animator
_testimonianze of teachers, leaders and associations
_al term aperitif ... Viviverde

FRIDAY 'October 15 17.00
Reflection with words and pictures on fair trade with
Roberto Cavalli national coordinator solidarity projects Coop
Annamaria Gaggioli responsible Equomondo shop in Gorizia
_al term aperitif ... Solidal

Saturday, October 16 17.00
Words and pictures on food safety with
Gaetano Zanutto responsible Legacoop FVG food chains
Diego Ghersi responsible sales network FVG Northwest Consumers Coop
_presentazione photography project: "A refusal to frame"
_al term aperitif ... Things here

Capture Card For Macbook

Pongo was hit and left by the wayside in Matera, a good soul has collected and entrusted it to A volunteer of the place, unfortunately the injury has completely compromise the spinal cord and the poor creature can no longer walk.
Little is now in Mantua in what our Association is committed to providing the necessary care and to provide a trolley to move people, is on the voluntary Emi every day and provides care to do so get used to the wheelchair, with patience and love.
Now I need the help of all of you to ensure that the child find a family that loves me and that is near all my life, you can help us to make this message as much as possible via Facebook, Blog, websites, etc. ..., for those who want to print and distribute the flyer can download it here .
For further information, please contact the association number 346 6431472, little will be entrusted to people aware of the commitment and will be checked before and after foster care.
Please do not leave him alone, so we give a future to a creature that already has been unlucky. THANKS!


Via E. Rabin 64-46100 Mantova Tel
348 2711329-377 1896463 - Fax 0376 1850918 (24h/24)



Friday, October 1, 2010

How Much Would A Basketball Court Cost

MONDAY 'October 18, 2010 18:00 PM
Gorizia Basaglia Park Day Centre MARE THINKING "Via Vittorio Veneto 174 (see map )

pathway of care and psycho-spiritual evolution of collective

The psychic and somatic pain are memories cramped, nodes unresolved, inner truths unpaid.
And it is only through the authenticity of the soft body and soul can dissolve and resolve, so finding correspondence and full realization. (MB)

Also during this meeting will be in charge, in a circle of sharing moments of psycho-physical expressiveness, introspection, meditation, practice of relaxation and energy balance, backing tracks accompanying silence ...

The meeting will be conducted by Marco Bertali
mat and comfortable clothes are recommended

Inguinal Hernia Swollen Stomach

Saturday, October 16, 2010 - 20.30
Romans d'Isonzo (GO) Galupin Hall Street ()

in concert: 92

with the extraordinary participation of Cico Falzone guitarist NOMADS

During the concert, you can visit an exhibition Augustus

Entrance 8 €

The proceeds from the evening will be donated to "AUGUSTO FOR LIFE

FANS CLUB NOMADS Cico Falzone>>>

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Manyeod Techs Died In Afghanistan?

Saturday, October 2, 2010 AT 20.30
Cormòns (GO) Teatro Comunale Via N. Sauro 19 (see map )

Friendship, choral singing and melody resonate in perfect harmony in Cormons choir festival, now in its 17th edition. Year after year, on stage at the Teatro Comunale di Cormòns alternated voices, beautiful songs, new songs and so many people, generating harmonies, meetings and collaborations. They have performed as many as 64 choirs from that distant 1994, when for the first time the exhibition was organized by the Choir Quarin Mont.
The evening involved the following choirs:
_CORO MONT Quarini Cormòns (GO) directs Anna New
_CORO ALPINE MEDUNESE Meduna di Livenza (TV) directs Egidio Zoia
_CORO Saints Ignatius directs Gorizia Liviano Brumat
_CORO HIGH SCHOOL SCIENTIFIC M. Buonarroti Monfalcone (GO) leads Ivan Portelli
_CORI UNITED FRIULI (Choir of the Basilica of Aquileia, Perosi Fiumicello Choir, Choir Seghizzi Gorizia) directs Italo Montiglio

A combined choirs will be executed "LORD OF THE ROPE" Bepi Marzi



Saturday, September 25, 2010

3 Father's 60th Birthday Speech By Daughter

October 2, 2010 - Lucina (GO)
(see map )
Legambiente Gorizia, with the support of IRIS, calls on citizens and associations in the Province of Gorizia in the first edition of the local campaign "Clean Up the World."
The event will take place from 09.00 to 12:30 to 13:00 at the area surrounding the viaduct variant of highway 56 to Lucinico, including the former area of \u200b\u200bthe Isonzo Park (the site is easily reached from Via Low Country ). Cleaning up this area from the waste, contribute to our small to protecting the environment and regeneration of an area for too many years subject to degradation. Participants will be provided with work gloves, and will also be covered by a specific insurance for the duration of the event. This is an important experience that helps to understand especially to the young what does the indiscriminate abandonment of waste, thus contributing to the creation of environmental awareness of personal and collective. Together we can indeed make a difference, improving the environment and our lives.
09:00 welcoming participants, distribution of equipment (gloves, bags ...) and division of work;
09:20 start cleaning the area;
11:00 snack / snack;
12:30 to 13:00 completion of work, assess the situation and return.
Accessions and info:
You can join or get information by writing to or phoning the numbers gorizia@legambiente.fvg.it: 3400012185 •
(Luke Cadez, president of LG) •
3339664736 (Sonia Kucler, Secretary LG)
General Information can be found on the official website of the campaign: www.puliamoilmondo.it

SIGN THE PETITION>>> Stop plastic bags

After the counting of the collected material in the first edition of "CLEAN UP THE WORLD" in a few hours we have collected: 4 cubic meters of bulky material, 70 kg of glass, 2 kg 7 kg of plastic and aluminum have been recycled as electronic scrap and cans of paint have been given at the eco-pad via Gregorčičeva. Instead it was impossible to recover the carcass of a car and a bee swallowed by the vegetation ...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How To Put Songs From Shareaza Onto An Ipod

Saturday, September 25, 2010 - 11:00 PM Council Chamber
Province of Gorizia - Green Course 55

Gherghetta Henry, Marco Bertali, Cultural Group Mediaart, Veganima, Biolab, ATM 4 feet, Cuccia, WWF Isontino "Eugenio Rosmann, Legambiente Gorizia and all those who want to have your say ... Refreshments will be served vegetarian

offered by Biolab



SIGN THE PETITION>>> Against the European Directive (86/609/EEC) which provides for the vivisection of animals stray

in the comments: How about your anti-vivisection and the date your membership associations to participate

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Flinn Chem The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle

...si impacchetta tutto, e si va in studio,al Blocco A, con Giulio e Giovanni.
ci si trasferisce a Padova per un po' ,
Si prepara un nuovo capitolo.

... the new album will be released in January
....... does not have an exact title, rather it's got
do not know ............ yet who will publish this record, but we do not care much for now.

we are very happy,
let's make a record, the fourth
seven years, two hundred and "something" concerts, a tour in China already scheduled for December, and we're going to record
The fourth disc,
.... everything is well mixed the songs that compongono.Bellissime.
The fourth disc will not be for "all", and not sorry.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dog Dark Spots On Belly Peeling

plan to turn the page One Date 2010

From now on we run.
Plan every day from here to summer ... next.
If you fail you go to five minutes apart.

It's time to run, starting from today.
Planning Every single day from now to the summer ... the next.
You miss five minutes and you're in a mess.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ladies Do You Like The Feel Of Slips

Saturday, June 26 will be at Jack Minor and we'll play, unexpectedly. We had promised not to give, instead, when you have a handful of new songs will be the irrepressible desire to see who will face the people who came to listen.

will be among friends, friends, and for those who come.
We will do our best.

from 15:00 local time.
Be there!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cell Respiration Bromothymol Blue Lab

Hermanita Fri
conmigo Hay aviones fall
hora Isla del encanta
Me voy!
Me voy!
Me voy!

... so much stuff ...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Highlight What's Crown Of Head

expo a while to get cigarettes

is the major project for 2015. Cream of architects who contribute to the great pride of Milan to drink, with all the best intentions. Great intentions, great works, the grandeur of communication for the city of Italy and perhaps worst of Europe, shamelessly, has put into his head to explain to everyone what the true concept of the city of the future.
This would laugh if it were not tragically real. We want to talk about the environment with tons of concrete, steel and asphalt, we are interested in the big names on the coat of arms, but we care mostly have new excuses to increase the highways which are now barred unlikely Milan that are useless, because they are always congested.
Milan, the city without a blade of grass, free business-class on perfect lawns, linked by "green ray" (a strip of park that go from downtown to the Fair) and "blue light" (channels linked to the ships) , only to withdraw all because they cost too much and make it a little. For what could have, disappeared. Thank you, we could expect it.
Milan wants to teach "alternative mobility" (bike? Scooter? Bus?) And then at the slightest inkling of heavy air, rather than extending a public transport line, requires the ecopass for a handful of euro, increasingly polluted remains, but at least makes them a little money. For what it is not known.
Milan, before leaving for the pharaonic undertaking, is already behind schedule and trying to force the commissioners to the commissioners who had already been chosen to lead the work, or, if the bureaucracy slows down the work, increase bureaucracy, so distribute the blame. Then someone remembers that there was a project to increase the underground, which would be so useful, but probably will not have time to finish it. Brilliant.
We laugh to keep from crying. In Shanghai (one of the most polluted in the world indecently), Italy (the country where they survive the most ridiculous theories in terms of environmental protection) has its own pavilion "better cities for Better Life ". Meanwhile it comes to nuclear energy to avoid wind turbines dot the area, according to some (many, many), scar the landscape and alter the taste of fine Morellino di Scansano (you know what a tragedy), better build nuclear power plants with the help of the Russians, they ensure that they do well, safety first, and immediately after the Morellino: You do not want you walk the drunk, I hope.
Thank goodness I live in the country, I a little bit bored, but at least I do not have stomach acid.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sebaceous Cyst Removal

resist and desist

Some wonder why celebrate the Liberation 65 years Italy took place after the birth of democracy. I do not know, but the relevance of certain things is scaled only by date and not the content. Why what did our grandparents (or great-grandparents for some), I would not be able to do so. Why have at least a generation supine dignity to recognize the achievements of their predecessors? O no!?
the school Liberation is taboo because it is partisan.
Best young cattle, which young people willing to do anything to get what they deserve.

"There are also Party schools or church schools. But the State must monitor, to the Regulation; must keep in their limits and must be able to do better than them. The state school, then, must be a guarantee, because you do not slip into what would be the end of the school and perhaps the end of democracy and freedom, that is, in party school.

How do you set up in a country with a party school? It can be done in two ways. One is that of totalitarianism open, said. We have experienced, unfortunately. I think everyone here you remember, though many people do you remember most. We tested under fascism. All schools become schools of the State: private school is no longer permitted, but the State becomes a party and then all schools are state schools, but schools are for this party. But there is another form to convert the school to get state party school or sect. Totalitarianism subtle, indirect, torpid, sluggish like some pneumonias that are without fever, but are very dangerous ...

Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. It does not make the march on Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship. So, what to do to gain control of schools and to transform the State schools into Party schools? He realizes that the State schools have the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, could not transform the State schools openly in Party schools, send the dogs to schools to give priority to the state's private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference this is the point that we must discuss. Warning, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways: I have already said, ruin the State schools. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes. Give schools private public money. This is the point. Giving public money to private schools "

Piero Calamandrei /
speech at the III Congress
in defense of the National School in Rome
/ February 11 1950

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Does Pink Stool Mean

good news

From providential email Onga / Boring Machine we have discovered that, despite the different casinos that have involved the Tago Mago (in Marina di Massa ed) the Tagus Fest (true Festivals of various groups and independent labels note) will see its 6th edition.
we were still in discussions and pickets. The people want a wealthy tourist, yes, but absolutely silent (bring money and do not break it, in other words). The locals were playing the fortunes in a matter of weeks. The culture of " drink until you just do not break my balls with schitarrate 11 pm " made by the master. The army of right-thinking people must have been a sleepy little impasse ... and then here we are.
StefanoOngaTizioBrunoGianmaria Come ...
We are delighted, thank goodness.
Nevertheless, despite all.
Siiiii - CAN '- FAAAAA - REEEEE!

Friday, April 2, 2010

95 Polaris 425 Wiring Diagram

Duke & Joan

Joan Miro explains his work to Duke Ellington. Duke Ellington plays for Miro, Kandinsky and others ...
I happened recently to visit the exhibition on the Maeght Foundation, which in mid-twentieth century, involving
perhaps the greatest artists of the time. When, in 1964, was inaugurated, were invited to the celebrations
musicians like Ella Fitzgerald and, of course, Duke Ellington. It will be an excess of nostalgia, a sense of
smallness in the face of such large, but the pleasure of seeing how the art was (and is no longer) share,
dialogue , search on multiple levels is really priceless.
Where's Duke? Where is Joan? ... and Giacometti and Chagall, and all the others, where are they?
few days ago collapsed part of the Domus Aurea (galleries Trajan actually), but seems not
cares a fuck all to anyone.
There is a distant hope of getting this country in one day without feeling the taste of ass in your mouth?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Equipments For Mobile Spa

Municipality ordered to pay bona fide purchaser

Excerpt from
set out below - Statement by Mr. Marcantonio Moschetti, "Today the path guirisprudenziale on illegal subdivisions and 'different from that of ten years ago already' in 2007 the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the third party purchaser in good faith can not 'be overwhelmed by the confiscation . This principle also upheld by the Supreme Court in 2008 and 2009 ".

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Can Non Flushing Niacin Lower Cholesterol?

2010 - Kroen

The 2009 - which will be most remembered as the annus horribilis - closes, as if they were not heavy enough past the previous months, with a not exactly exciting news. The Kroen Villafranca (VR), Arci comb (active), led by Romano and other good super-heroes, closes after a few years of activity and a list of inelencabile bands, events and meetings. We do for us, we have to thank for the opportunities and support offered by this club not only to the Three, of course, but to everybody, while the general trend has been to fossilize the trivial, the "known" on the ready -made, talked about, someone had the courage to fall rather than sc Adere . Chap eau .
The good news is that "those of Kroen" do not give up easily and promise a revival of the club forced out of hibernation, a new position and new initiatives. We we hope so, daughters hope so, there hope so. The Kroen is dead, long live Kroen .
Happy New Year. Better than the previous one, for sure.