CORMONSLIBRI 2010 Festival of the Book and Information - "The Unbearable Lightness"
From 2 to 14 December 2010 ● Cormòns (GO) Italy Room Viale Friuli
28 Hours: weekdays 16.30/20.00 ● Saturday, Sunday, December 8 10.30/12.30 - 15.00/20.00
● THURSDAY 'Dec. 2 17.30 Cormònslibri 2010
_presentazione Inauguration of photo exhibition of Indian Night Arnaldo Grundner a trip with care and respect in the infinite monochromatic India
_installations read by Art by Antonella Pizzolongo
_presentazione de The artist's book by Loretta Cappanera with the participation of actor Andrew Zuccolo
_presentazione Il Viaggio in India presents the writer Erica Barbiani Nicola Gasbarro lecturer at the University of Udine
● FRIDAY ' December 3 19.00 Meeting with the poets Fabio Franzini, Franco Loi, Maurizio Mattiuzzo, David Rondoni, presents poet and essayist Joseph Mariuz
● Saturday, December 4 _ORE 17:00 Myths (ever) forgotten
final event of the laboratory expressive reading and storytelling, "Tell me a story" presents Luca Zalateu actor
_ORE 18:30 between heaven and earth: a meeting with Don Andrea Gallo talks to Don Pierluigi Di Piazza
● Sunday, December 5 19.00 The meaning of life: meeting with Marcello Veneziani, Roberto has Covaz Il Piccolo
● MONDAY 'December 6 18.30 Politics and the Judiciary: meeting with Luigi De Magistris, presents Gianpaolo Carbonetto "Il Messaggero Veneto"
● TUESDAY' 7 DECEMBER AT 18:00 Other habits: Roundtable with
Vittorio Cogliati Dezza national president of Legambiente
Roberto Burdese national president of Slow Food
Roberto Northwest Consumers Coop Sgavetta Vice Moderator
Francesco Marangon lecturer at the University of Udine
● WEDNESDAY 'December 8 _ORE 11:30 The Church of St. George and his story meeting with Sergio Tavano and Hans Kitzmüller
_ORE 18:00 journey through words, pictures and videos: meeting with David Riondino prologue and Maurizio Benedetti Andrea Casaccia, publisher and singer presents Alessandra Kersevan
● THURSDAY 'Dec. 9 18.30 When globalization does not rhyme with the Constitution, meeting with Fausto Bertinotti, Matthew Femia presents corresponding "Il Piccolo"
● FRIDAY 'Dec. 10 18.30 Italy do not see on TV: Meeting with Rich Iacona, Mario has Brandolin operator and theater critic
● Saturday, December 11 19.00 The atheist and the theologian: Meeting with Paolo Flores D'Arcais, Andrea de Bellavite presents "Soca Soca" and other titles, and director of Rainbow Community
● Sunday, December 12 18.30 Teatro Comunale di Cagliari Rivarrun
Theatre presents "The Story of a seagull and the cat and taught to fly", from the 'eponymous text by Luis Sepulveda of the Public Library of Cormòns
● MONDAY' December 13 18:00 PM Asbestos Asbestos FVG
reportage will be present: Robert Del Grande (representative of Metarte), Enrico Bullian (town) and Alessandro Ruzier (Photographer)
● MONDAY 'December 13 19.00 The partisan "Welcome" meeting with Roberto Covaz Silvino and Poletto, Robert Covaz, deputy managing editor and head of the "Little" of the newsrooms of Gorizia and Monfalcone
● Tuesday 'December 14 _ORE 18:00 Sounds of the soul. Metamorphosis of the chrysalis and other Renzo Furlano
_ORE 18:30 The word for the word
A show where the word gets around: communication, knowledge sharing, emotion. The word has meaning and sound, as sound produces the song, the word creates rhythm and music, therefore, produces the movement such as music and dance.
Music: Simone Kodermaz (violin), Graziano Kodermaz (sax), Franco Feruglio (bass), Andrea Casaccia (guitar)
Dance: Marianna Martinelli, Agnes Spinelli, Julia Strizzolo, Barbara Tesini, John Gava Leonarduzzi
Reading stage: Alessandro Pesaola Pierluigi Pintar, Serena Finatti, Fabiano Fantini
Poetry: Marina Moretti
Song: Cristina Mauro
Lyrics: Italo Calvino, Alessandro Baricco, Giovanni Pascoli, Aldo Pallazzeschi
Voiceover: Renzo Furlano
Choreography: Cynthia Gangi, Barbara Tesini John Gava Leonarduzzi
Directed by: Renzo Furlano
EVENTS ● From 26 November to 19 December Cormòns Moot Hall (GO) Piazza XXIV May 22
Painting exhibition "Britain: The Stone Flower" by Dario Scotti
Hours: Friday and Saturday: 17.00/19.00 ● Sunday: 10.00/12.00 - 17.00/19.00
● FROM 3 TO FROM 17 TO 12 & 19 December Museum of terrritorio Cormòns (GO) Piazza XXIV May 22
" an art all to read "50th Regional Exhibition of Art - Visual Arts Center Friulano
Opening Friday, December 3 17:30
Hours: Sunday ● lun_sab 16.00/19.00 10.30/12.30 - 16.00/19.00
● FROM 4 TO 12 DECEMBER SpazioTiLt Cormòns (GO) Via G. Matteotti 74
Opening Saturday, December 4th 17:00
exhibition of books DI_VERSI 15 poets and artists have art books and books covered by Silvia Lepore and Sandro Pellarin
Cormònslibri for Boys
● Saturday, December 4th 15:00 ORE Projection the cartoon "The story of Leo" - snacks for all
● Sunday, December 5 17.30 Toys Musical concert of music and fun for kids with the Mikrokosmos, with Daniela Brussolo (flute), Piero Riccobello (clarinet), Nicola Mansour (violin), Fabio Serafini (bass)
● MONDAY 'December 6 17.00 Sports and falling in love: Meeting with the writer Luke Cognolato children, with the presence of John Gratton to vent' year basketball player in Serie A
● TUESDAY '7 December 21.00 Farm BorgoSanDaniele Cormòns (GO) Via San Daniele 38
Art and Poetry - The time you turn around. Meeting with the writer Božidar Stanišić. Talking with the author Emilio Rigatti. Sandra and Martha Vineyard Charter guests. When writing becomes a witness of a life. Bozidar Stanisic, in its path between poetry, story and theater, tells of a journey of many journeys. To survive, to affirm its existence, to build the comparison.
● WEDNESDAY 'Dec. 8 11.00 Projection of the cartoon "The story of Leo" - snacks for all
● Thursday' on Dec. 9 10.00 Laboratories in primary schools by Bruno Tognolini, author of the RAI broadcasting The tree and Blue Melevisione
BOOK IN PDF DOWNLOAD>>> Organization Culturaglobale
Artistic Director Renzo Furlano
339 2650471 Partner
stationer Vecchiet
Scenography Antonella Pizzolongo
Graphics Sara Pahor
Press CO-ART Sabrina Vidon 349 3153191 ●