Here, we break the dormancy. From December 20 to January 10 we will be in China (not just around the corner). After Jennifer Gentle Afterhours and throw us into the maw of the "Asian tiger" in a decidedly more DIY (which is better suited to our nature). The length of the path we nailed the diversity of the location attracts us, the desire to leave surrounds us. In the country of one billion and a half of stories we're going to add one, hoping to meet as many as humanly possible, to really know, beyond the places common, beyond the taste Expo West, beyond the endless chain of production, beyond capitalism or communism communist capitalist.
will come back with tons of photos, so many things happening that we do not endure any more and the new album almost ready, so many doubts, few certainties. You can not have everything in life.
Here we are, we break the dormancy. From Dece mber 20th to January 10th we'll be in China (Not Exactly around the corner). After Jennifer Gentle Afterhours and we are going to jump into the "Asian tiger's" mouth in a very DIY style (Which fits better to Our Nature). The length of path is freezing us up, the diversity of the place attracts us, the will to leave pervades us. In the one-billion-and-a-half stories country we're going to add one, expecting to cross as many as humanly possible, to know them for real, beyond the clichè, beyond the Western-ish Expo, beyond the endless production lines, beyond capitalistic communism or communist capitalism. We'll be back with tons of pics, so many things to tell you are gonna bear us no more and the new album almost ready, so many doubts, few certainties. You cannot have everything in life.
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