when the mafia does not exist by Don Marcello Cozzi
Potenza, Marcello Cozzi 19/05/2008
When the Mafia does not exist
Basilicata There is no book could ever contain to how great it is that of so many people who honestly and quietly break your back from morning to night, is one of the many men and many women rather than lose their dignity, over the years have preferred to pack up and go beyond the boundaries to bring a piece of bread at home is one country that has defended in the fifties with his teeth land rights, is the wound that rises with dignity from the rubble of the earthquake 80, the policeman who wants to avoid other debris, even more catastrophic, marching in 100,000 in Scanzano, the workers of Fiat's Melfi in 2004 fighting for the job, any job is always at the service of man and why his condemnation.
Ed is asking on behalf of Basilicata told in this book, which is not resigned to the tyranny of silence, the one who seeks truth, seeking justice, he wants transparency. Basilicata
But there is also spoken of in this book - a small piece, to tell the truth - but it is an awkward piece, a piece that is never pleasant to tell, and that hurts you when he denounces. His is a controversial history. For the most unknown. A story of mobsters and murder victims, not many, but still too many for a region that has always seen as happy island. A history of business, but also of conspiracies, and judges who become "incompatible" just stop store, or simply to condemn criminals, and are starting to head in some hot business.
This book is, first of all, the desire to know and understand more, and then feeds the sacred fire of indignation not only broken but for the many stories, especially when the system becomes negative, and also offers a simple and humble instrument in the service of people, because everyone knows, and that in future, which has already started, do not make the same mistakes more.